Public Health Insurance in Germany
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Why is it important to be insured with public health insurance when working in Germany

If you are working in Germany, it is important that you have one of the following insurances:


If you are working in Germany, it is important that you have one of the following insurances: public health insurance or private health insurance. You will be required to have one of these insurances if you do not have coverage under another country's social security system or if your employer does not provide private health insurance for its employees. If you do not comply with this law, there could be consequences such as fines and/or criminal prosecution."

You are employed in Germany.

As an employee in Germany, you are required to have health insurance. The general rule is that you must obtain public health insurance if you are employed in Germany and your employer does not provide a private health plan. You can be fined if you do not comply with this requirement.

In order to receive reimbursement from your insurance company for medical services, it's important that you submit all receipts for treatment received in Germany within six months after receiving them. If you don't submit these documents within this timeframe, they may not be accepted as proof of payment when submitting an invoice later on (for example: at tax time).

You have no public or private health insurance in Germany.

You can not work without insurance in Germany. This is a requirement for all employees, students, pensioners and freelancers alike. If you do not have a valid health insurance card at the time of employment, your employer cannot hire you.

If you are a student or pensioner and want to take on additional employment – whether part-time or full-time – please be aware that that alone is not sufficient reason for an employer to provide health insurance coverage. You will also require private or public health insurance in order to work legally in Germany

You are required by law to have health insurance.

You are required by law to have health insurance when staying in Germany. You can find more information about what kind of insurance is necessary on the Federal Ministry of Health website.

If you do not have any insurance coverage, then you will be sent a fine for 2500 Euro ($2960).

If you are self-employed, then you don't need to have public health insurance. If you are unemployed or receiving unemployment benefits from the government, then there are different rules depending on how long ago your employment was terminated (or if it ended through retirement) and how long ago your studies ended (or if they were completed). As a general rule: If one has been working full time for at least five years and has received an income at least once per month during that time, then he/she is considered an employee and thus must have some sort of public health insurance coverage (either through his/her employer or by purchasing it himself).

You can be fined if you do not comply with the law.

You can be fined if you do not comply with the law. This is something that all employers should be aware of.

If you are working in Germany and have no public health insurance, then you may be fined by your employer. The amount of this fine depends on which state or region (Bundesland) where you live in and work in.

If it is found out that an employee does not have a valid private health insurance policy, then they will be fined by their employer and have to pay around 30% back-dated contributions for up to one year's worth of wages paid by the company for their pension fund.

You will have to have one of these insurances, or you could be fined for not having insurance.

If you are an employee and do not have one of these insurances, your employer can be fined up to €300 per month (1). This fine applies to each person who does not have public health insurance.

These insurances are mandatory for everyone who works in Germany and does not live in another country with a social security agreement with Germany (2).

If you don’t want to be fined, there is no other option but to buy public health insurance – unless you plan on moving back to your home country after every three months or so…


It is important to understand that if you are a non-German citizen working in Germany, or even if you are German but do not have any other insurance, there are many reasons why it is necessary for you to have public health insurance. Not having this type of coverage can result in fines or even jail time depending on how long you have lived without it. Because of these consequences, we recommend contacting an immigration lawyer who can help ensure that your legal status remains intact while living in this country.