Publication of numbers & reports
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Why is it important for German companies to publish a Year End report?

The business report is an important document for companies and can have legal consequences. It contains information about the company's assets, liabilities, equity, financial performance and cash flows (profit/loss).

German companies must publish a business report every year, which includes the annual financial statements and the management report, in accordance with Section 264 of the Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code).


A business report is an official document that includes the annual financial statements and management report, as well as other information required by law.

The business report is important because it helps potential investors, suppliers and customers understand how your company has performed during the last fiscal year (this is why many companies also include a short version of their business reports on their website).

Business reports are also used to determine if a company should be eligible for public procurement contracts or mergers & acquisitions (M&A).

The business report is an important document for companies and can have legal consequences.


  • The business report is an important document for companies and can have legal consequences.

  • For example, if you don't publish a Year-End Report, then your company may be fined or sued.

  • In addition, there are also some other consequences that might affect your company:

  • You could be forced to sell assets or even liquidate the entire enterprise.


Why is a Year End Report so important for a GmbH?


A year-end report is an important tool for GmbHs, especially because it's a legal requirement. In a short document, you can give investors an overview of your company's financial performance, and help them understand which areas need improvement.

Moreover, publishing one will help you attract new investors and partners in future projects.


In Germany, all companies are required to submit an annual business report by June 30 of the following year. Westphalian law provides for certain exceptions (e.g., in cases of insolvency and over-indebtedness). However, these exceptions are rarely applicable.


In Germany, all companies are required to submit an annual business report by June 30 of the following year (or in some cases, within two months). Westphalian law provides for certain exceptions (e.g., in cases of insolvency and over-indebtedness). However, these exceptions are rarely applicable.

The purpose of publishing an Annual Business Report is to inform shareholders as well as market participants about the operating results and financial position of a company. In addition to providing information about its own activities during the last fiscal year, a publicly traded company must also include information from other companies that are part of its group or conglomerate.


These documents are intended to inform shareholders and other stakeholders about how the company has performed and how it plans to develop in the future. The annual financial statements also serve to provide information about the company's assets, liabilities, equity, financial performance and cash flows (profit/loss).


In Germany, companies have to issue a year-end report to inform shareholders and other stakeholders about how the company has performed and how it plans to develop in the future. The annual financial statements also serve to provide information about the company's assets, liabilities, equity, financial performance and cash flows (profit/loss). The management report provides an overview of what went well during the past year as well as any challenges that had been overcome by staff members.


If a company does not meet its reporting obligations, anyone suffering a loss due to this non-compliance can demand compensation from the executive body of the company or from any members of the executive body who were responsible for ensuring that the obligation was met. In such cases, there is no need to prove that said person or persons was/were negligent and if they were responsible for negligence, they will not be able to plead that their conduct was unintentional.


Publishing an annual report is not just a way to show your investors that you are doing well, it also serves as a legal obligation. If a company does not publish an annual report, it may be liable for compensation. The same goes for publishing an incorrect one.

If a company publishes an annual report and it is incorrect, it may be liable for compensation.



The year-end report is an important document for companies and can have legal consequences. It provides information on how the company has performed and how it plans to develop in the future, as well as its assets, liabilities, equity, financial performance and cash flows (profit/loss). If a company does not meet its reporting obligations due to negligence or other reasons, anyone suffering a loss due to this non-compliance can demand compensation from the executive body of the company or from any members of the executive body who were responsible for ensuring that obligation was met. In such cases, there is no need to prove that said person or persons was/were negligent and if they were responsible for negligence, they will not be able to plead that their conduct was unintentional.


Year-End Services