Quick Start Guide

MyDashboard Quick Start Guide - Payroll

This article describes what you are able to do in your payroll services with us.

Payroll Reports

In "Payroll" you can see the Payroll Reports- and Payslips. You can easily approve the Payroll from a certain date with the button "Approve Payroll for MM/YYYY" or ask for any changes with "Dispute Payroll MM/YYYY".



In "Employees" you get an overview of your employees and their information.

Here you can also assign an employee to a certain payroll when you click on the orange button "Assign employee(s) to Payroll."


Tariffs and Documents

In Tariffs and Documents, you can see the information about your payroll tariffs and also check your company's documents.



In General, you get a detailed description of what we can offer you with this service. You are also able to see your status on the right side.


Contacting us

In case you have any doubts feel free to contact us at any time.

For problems or questions related to invoices, please contact billing@mydashboard.eu

For general questions to MyDashboard, please contact mydashboard@consultinghouse.eu 

For other information, check our help center: https://service.consultinghouse.eu/knowledge