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Start a company in Germany
Company Administration
Business in Germany
Employing in Germany
- Employing as a foreign company in Germany
- Employing talent outside of Germany with a German Company
- Typical employee benefits in Germany
- Public Health Insurance in Germany
- Digital Employment Certificate
- Parental Leave
- Social Insurance In Germany
- Private Pension Fund
- Payment of employees in Germany
- Employer cost in Germany
- Social security & pension
- Employment contracts in Germany
- Minijob
- Posting of employees to another country
- Accident Insurance
Accounting in Germany
Payroll in Germany
- Payroll setup in Germany
- Employing as a foreign company in Germany
- Payroll regulations in Germany
- Required numbers to run payroll in Germany
- German payroll reports
- German payroll & income tax
- German Payroll Tax Calendar
- Payroll Accounting changes 2023
- Digital Sick leave report
- How to manage employee sick leaves in Germany
- Government benefits & contributions
- Payroll income taxes in Germany
- Car Company Benefit & 1% Rule
- Sick leave Employer Liability
- Pension Insurance
Taxes in Germany
MyDashboard App
Data management & exchange
Liquidate a company in Germany
German Company forms
How to read my payroll journal?
This article describes how to read your payroll journal in MyDashboard.
Please login on the homepage https://mydashboard.consultinghouse.eu

On the mainpage, please click on your active services "Payroll"

Select the payroll peroid and click in the sector "Payroll Reports" on your payroll journal


1. S -> tax class
2. KI -> child tax allowance
3. KO -> religion (catholic, protestant...)
4. G-BRUTTO -> gross salary
5. VWL-AG / VWL-AB -> capital forming payments
6. LFD-BEZ -> ongoing compensation (e.g. salary)
7. EIN-BEZ -> one time compensation (e.g. bonus)
8. STF-BEZ -> tax- free compensation (e.g. job ticket)
9. STPF-BRU -> taxable gross compensation
10. LST-FREI -> withholding tax free amount
11. BAV-P-BR -> private pension
12. KV-BRUTTO -> health insurance contribution assessment limit (max. 4.537,50 €)
13. RV-BRUTTO -> pension insurance contribution assessment limit (max. 6.700 €)
14. AV-BRUTTO -> unemployment insurance contribution assessment limit (max. 6.700 €)
15. LOHN-ST -> withholding tax
16. SOLID-ZU -> solidarity tax
17. KI-ST -> church tax
18. PAU-LST -> lump-sum withholding tax
PAU-SOL -> lump-sum solidarity tax
PAU-KST -> lump-sum church tax
19. SV-AN -> social security employee part
20. SV-AG -> social security employer part
21. UML. -> further employer contribution (for sickness leave, maternity leave and insolvency)
22. P. BE/ABZ -> personal relation (travel expense reimbursement), personal deduction (advance
23. E-PAU-ST -> only relevant for a "minijobber"
24.-KAMMER- -> chamber contributions (only in regions Saarland & Bremen)
25. AUSZAHLBETRAG -> net payment